Leslie London. Professor in the School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, Leslie is a physician with a strong occupational, environmental and public health focus ori- ented toward civil society participation and agency in realizing the Right to Health. After a few years working for Trade Union- linked health services before moving to UCT, he ‘shifted from being a very quantitative epidemiologist to thinking about how to integrate human rights into Public Health practice.’ Leslie, for whom social justice is fundamental and persistence a vir- tue, believes that ‘we should constantly struggle to help to create a better world – which IS possible.’ He lives this metaphorically by cycling, falling off bicycles, and getting back on again.
Evance Kalula. Evance (LLB, LLM, PhD; Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford) is Director of the International Academic Programmes Office and Confucius Institute, University of Cape Town. He also holds a personal chair as Professor of Employment Law and Social Security. Among many appointments and consultancies, he is or has been human rights fellow and external collaborator in the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland, and African Programme coordinator for Rights and Humanity in London, on the Ministerial Economic Advisory Panel in the Department of Economic Development, President of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association, a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, on the Board of the Children’s Institute at UCT, the advisory board of the Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory, McGill University (Montreal). He served as chair of the SA Employment Conditions Commission (2000-2011), on the governing Councils of the Universities of Cape Town and University of Lusaka, Zambia, the advisory board of the Tourism and Business Institute of Southern Africa, and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Commission of Inquiry into complaints of non-observance by Zimbabwe of freedom of association and collective bargaining conventions, 2008-2010.