We are born to thrive, we live by mending, the glue is Trust. The inevitable in life is something will crack the husk of our lives and from the pain of brokenness will proceed something new growing from the seed which is life. Life will find a way but not without trust adhesive to connect us and our communities back together.
As a therapist and leader one of the core concepts that informs the acceleration of innovative and creative work with people and communities is Trust. We run or crawl by the speed of trust which can decelerate our accelerate our best efforts. High trust can accelerate productivity and drive down costs whereas low trust can decelerate productivity and increase costs. Trust is core to life finding a way.
Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats execution for breakfast.”The culture we build in our organizations and communities, resting on trust, is more probable to develop those transformational ensembles that exceed what we could imagine alone. Trust defined as “confidence born of the character and the competence of a person or an organization” (Stephen M.R. Covey) invites a different way of seeing life. One without the other is incomplete. Add to this capabilities and results and the ensemble is complete that inspires high octane trust.
My new friend Jim Cochrane might use the word “spirit” which captures more broadly the bent of trust. The web of the leading causes seems to be intertwined with trust as a core adhesive to this jazz ensemble. The improvisation takes on many forms wherever life is finding a way.
As a therapist and leader one of the core concepts that informs the acceleration of innovative and creative work with people and communities is Trust. We run or crawl by the speed of trust which can decelerate our accelerate our best efforts. High trust can accelerate productivity and drive down costs whereas low trust can decelerate productivity and increase costs. Trust is core to life finding a way.
Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats execution for breakfast.”The culture we build in our organizations and communities, resting on trust, is more probable to develop those transformational ensembles that exceed what we could imagine alone. Trust defined as “confidence born of the character and the competence of a person or an organization” (Stephen M.R. Covey) invites a different way of seeing life. One without the other is incomplete. Add to this capabilities and results and the ensemble is complete that inspires high octane trust.
My new friend Jim Cochrane might use the word “spirit” which captures more broadly the bent of trust. The web of the leading causes seems to be intertwined with trust as a core adhesive to this jazz ensemble. The improvisation takes on many forms wherever life is finding a way.